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Terrible Terrace Hill

Up from Columbus Road (SR 550) - It's Ohio's second steepest paved road

Terrible Terrace

Terrace Lane:

1 in a 100
From the list of best local climbs in America
March 2007 Bicycling

3D Facing Southwest

Terrace Stats
 .2 miles
Average Grade
14 % 
Maximum Grade
24 % 
Elevation Gain 153 ft.
Base Elevation
673 ft.
Peak Elevation
826 ft.

Topo With North Up


    Terrace Drive on a map looks so simple.  How hard can a hill that's two tenths of a mile be?  The answer is extremely hard.

    This hill starts off by turning away from State Route 550 and immediately saps all of your momentum by going around a left and right hand corner at an 8% grade.  From this point on you can see the top of the hill.  You soon realize that this will be as close to riding up a wall on pavement as you can get.  Half way up the hill the grade has increased to an incredible 24% and for the last half of the last tenth of a mile the road pitches to back to a 22% grade.  Terrace Drive is one of the steepest paved roads in Ohio. 

    At the top your lungs will feel as if they want to jump out and slap you silly if they could fit through the opening at your throat.  This is a great hill to finish a ride with when you want to see who is really strong and who isn't.

    A local legend is that former student (J.S.) rode up this hill with a rear rack full of medical books and flipped backwards down the hill.  That's steep.


Cycle Path recommends wearing a helmet, obeying all traffic laws and riding within your limits.

Ride responsibly.

For more information contact Cycle Path

at 104 W. Union St. / 740 -593-8482

or email CyclePath



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