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K-9 Strategies

Tips For Dealing With "Man's Best Friend" When Riding Your Bike

As spring has sprung, and we get out and enjoy riding in the warmer weather, it is a good idea to review some of the way of dealing with dogs while riding your bike.  Remember, Rover is getting his first crack at chasing you since your last good ride in the fall, so it is good to be ready for him.

Getting Inside Rovers Head

Knowing the dogs on the roads that you frequent is half the battle.  As you take note of the personalities and riding styles of the people you ride with you should also take note of personalities and the chasing styles of the dogs that you encounter while riding.

Each dog that chases you is unique but some of the types of dogs that chase you are the:

Happy Chaser - "I'm chasing for fun - I'm glad to see you"

This dog may bark at you, but it is only half hearted.  He or she may chase you, but the tail is usually wagging and the hair on the back of his or her neck is flat.  These guys just want to run with you for a while, say hello and go home.

Perimeter Guard Dog-"I'm going to chase you until my yard stops -  the world doesn't exist outside my owners property line"

This class of K9 has been trained to be territorial only about their owners yard.  They don't come into the road and when the yard stops they stop.  You need to keep an eye on them, but their actions are usually very predictable.

Yapping Jogger Dog -"I'm yapping and chasing and that's all - Am I annoying you yet?"

Usually small dogs, this group seems to think they are tough but size is not in their favor.  They can be fast so you need to be aware of exactly where they are so that they don't become tangled in your wheels.

Corral Everyone / The Herd Dog - "You look as if you have lost your way from the rest of the flock - let me help you find your way back"

This dog will chase you, get slightly ahead of you, and try to steer you in a direction.  You need to be extremely careful that this dog doesn't sweep your front wheel out from under you.  It is best to stay ahead of this kind of dog.

Multiple Tag Team Chasers - "I'm only chasing you so I look cool to my dog friends"

In groups dogs can look very unappealing.  Usually the case is that only one dog in the group is dominant and the others are just following (the dominant dog is probably the lead dog).  If you can convince the " top dog" to stop chasing the others soon follow his lead.

Silent Ninja Dog - "Surprise! -  You didn't see or hear me until I popped out of that bush"

The sneak attack dog is the one that doesn't bark until he is on top of you.  He frequently uses his surroundings to his advantage.  It is good to remember exactly where these dogs live so you can be ready for anything.  It is good to warn your riding partners about these dogs also.

Vicious or Junkyard Dog - "I don't like anyone or any thing - don't mess with me"

This is the dog to avoid at all costs.  It is best to be quiet and get as far away from these dog as possible. Sometimes it is best to turn around and go the other way.  Vicious dogs like these should be reported to the Dog Warden of the county that you encounter them in.

The Athens County Dog Warden can be reached at (740) 593-5415

When first encountering a new dog it is best to use common sense and take things slowly until you know what you are dealing with.

Taking Action


The simplest reaction to dealing with a dog is to yell at them.  You can go one of two ways when yelling.  There is the "Hey I'm your friend and I think that you are a great dog approach".  Yelling in a calm tone things like, "Nice doggy" or "Good puppy" are some of the more effective responses to convince a dog that you are not a threat.  The other way to yell is with the voice of authority. "Go home", "Bad dog", and even though they may not be on a couch, if you yell, "Get off the couch", most dogs know that they are doing something wrong.  The voice of authority should be yelled loud and like you mean it to be effective.

Aggressive Posture

Sometimes your physical presence will convince a dog that messing with you is not a good idea.  If you see a dog coming after you, stand up and rock your bike from side to side within the limits of safe riding.  This will make you look bigger and more aggressive.  Combined with yelling with authority, this will shake a dog off of it's chase.


At close range you can use a water bottle as a very effective weapon.  Spraying at the eyes and nose will turn nine out of ten dogs away.  Cycle Path sells canisters of "Halt!" dog repellent (used by the postal service for over 30 years) that is very effective when sprayed at the eyes and nose of a dog (does not do permanent damage to the dog).  It is not recommended to use pepper spray or mace on dogs as some of the spray may find its way onto you and leave you incapacitated.

To Kick or Not to Kick?  That is the Question.

Although it may seem like a good idea in the heat of the chase, kicking or hitting a dog with a pump is not recommended.  Sometimes as you go to kick or swing at a dog they can jump at what is doing the swinging (your arm or leg) and bite down.  Also there is a risk of putting a foot or pump into your own wheels, putting you on the pavement with a barking dog circling you (this would be bad).

Reporting Vicious Dogs

The Athens County Dog Warden can be reached at (740) 593-5415

Email us your best "Bike and Dog" story.

We will post it as part of a future "Wrench Connection" 


Questions or Comments Welcome



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